Prop Reports.

PROP regularly publishes reports on policing and related criminal legal matters. Here you can read some of our past reports. Also, be sure to subscribe to our Medium page for any new reports.

RACIST NYPD PRACTICES CONTINUE TO ESCALATE UNDER ERIC ADAMS -- Based on data received from the NYS Division of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS), PROP released these principal finding regarding NYPD arrest practices in 2023:

** In Mayor Eric Adams' second year in office, the NYPD substantially escalated its discriminatory broken windows practices. The number of misdemeanor and felony arrests increased in 2023 by more than 20% over 2022's number, going from 156,836 to 187,790. And by more than by more than 42% over the number in 2021, Bill de Blasio's last year in office, going from 131,699 to 187,790.

** Across all arrest categories, 2022 arrest data show that the NYPD persists in its discriminatory practice of targeting low-income people of color for minor infractions. PROP finds that in 2023, 88.5% of misdemeanor arrests involved NYers of color, actually a slightly higher proportion compared to the 88% figure in 2022 and 87% in 2021.

** 50.5% of the NYPD's felony arrests in 2023 involved Black New Yorkers who make up 23% of the City's total population.

** Using the conservative estimate that one misdemeanor arrest costs the City $1750, the expense for NYPD misdemeanor arrest practices in 2023 came to over $490,000. per day.

Save Lives, Not Take Them - An Urgent Call to Change NYC's First Response to NYers in Psychiatric Crisis -- The document presents 19 brief & well-researched accounts of deadly encounters between NYPD officers & mentally troubled NYers. While it is difficult to read -- & write -- about these tragic incidents, PROP believes it serves a critical public education purpose to highlight the harms & hazards associated with the city's current mental health practices. Our intention is to press city policy makers from the mayor on down to make the changes needed to SAVE LIVES, NOT TAKE THEM. And the principal "change needed" is to remove police entirely from our emergency response system and to dispatch mental health professionals & mediation specialists instead.

The Notorious and True History of NYC’s Finest - The Notorious and True History of NY's Finest focuses on presenting the NYPD's all too often notorious practices over the course of two centuries dating back to its founding in 1845 and the actions of its historical precursors. These harmful policies most frequently took the form of targeting and victimizing low-income NYers of color.